The Borderlands series, renowned for its captivating storyline, vibrant characters, and addictive gameplay, has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. With multiple installments spanning a rich and immersive universe, new players may find themselves unsure of where to begin or how to experience the series in chronological order. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions for playing the Borderlands series in timeline order, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the epic saga of Pandora and its inhabitants.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel:
Begin your journey through the Borderlands series with Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, which serves as a prequel to the events of Borderlands 2. Set between the original Borderlands and its sequel, The Pre-Sequel follows the rise of the villainous Handsome Jack and provides valuable insight into his backstory and motivations. Play as one of four new playable characters and explore the moon of Elpis while uncovering the secrets that ultimately shape the fate of Pandora.
After completing Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, travel back to where it all began with the original Borderlands. Set in the lawless frontier world of Pandora, the game follows a group of vault hunters as they search for the legendary Vault and the riches it contains. Choose from four unique characters, each with their own abilities and playstyles, and embark on a quest filled with danger, treasure, and larger-than-life villains.
Borderlands 2:
Continue your adventure through the Borderlands series with Borderlands 2, the critically acclaimed sequel to the original game. Set five years after the events of Borderlands, the game sees the return of fan-favorite characters like Lilith, Roland, and Mordecai as they join forces with a new group of vault hunters to take down the tyrannical Handsome Jack. With its compelling storyline, memorable characters, and addictive gameplay, Borderlands 2 is a must-play for fans of the series.
Tales from the Borderlands
While not a traditional entry in the main series, Tales from the Borderlands offers a unique narrative-driven experience set within the Borderlands universe. Developed by Telltale Games, this episodic adventure game follows the story of two unlikely protagonists, Rhys and Fiona, as they embark on a quest for riches and revenge. Through its branching storyline and player-driven choices, Tales from the Borderlands expands upon the world and characters of the main series in unexpected ways.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel DLCs:
Once you’ve completed Borderlands 2, return to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel to experience its downloadable content (DLC) expansions. These expansions introduce new storylines, characters, and challenges that further flesh out the events of The Pre-Sequel and provide additional context for the series as a whole. Dive back into the world of Elpis and uncover even more secrets hidden beneath the moon’s surface.
Borderlands 3:
Conclude your journey through the Borderlands series with Borderlands 3, the latest installment in the franchise. Set several years after the events of Borderlands 2, the game follows a new group of vault hunters as they battle against the tyrannical Calypso Twins and their cult-like followers, the Children of the Vault. With its larger-than-life characters, explosive action, and sprawling open world, Borderlands 3 builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessors while introducing new features and improvements to the series.
By following these instructions for playing the Borderlands series in timeline order, you can fully immerse yourself in the epic saga of Pandora and its inhabitants. From the rise of Handsome Jack to the battle against the Calypso Twins, each installment offers a unique and thrilling experience that builds upon the rich lore and mythology of the Borderlands universe. So grab your weapons, rally your friends, and prepare for an adventure unlike any other as you journey through the wild and unpredictable world of Borderlands. Above is some information you can know about Borderlands. Click here for more information and our products!